Resolutions or Goals???

Yup--It's that time of year again. 2020 is winding down and we are setting our sites on 2021. This is the time of year where many sit down to write their New Years Resolutions.... And in the end statistics show that 8% of people who set resolutions will actually achieve them. 2020 has definitely been a year that we will never forget. I feel like I was thrown a curve ball, got thrown off track and then never really recovered. My plans were changed, and changed again. Resolutions? I don't even remember them! As I sit here reflecting on 2020, I want to make some big changes. To make big changes I know I have to do things differently... This year, instead of making resolutions that will be forgotten before January is over, I am setting goals. Resolutions. Goals. Aren't they the same thing???? While many will use these words interchangeably, they actually are quite different....