
Showing posts from January, 2015

MLK Day Reflection

This morning, as I was driving into work, I was so thankful for the light traffic and the great time I was making, even though I was running a little late.  And then the radio program I was listening to began to play an excerpt from Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream speech.”   As I listened to his words, I began to reflect on things much more meaningful than light traffic.  Then I thought about what this holiday is becoming—a National Day of Service.   It is 2015, and while I’d like to think we have come so far, recent events make me wonder.   I grew up in a family that was taught to love and respect ALL people, all cultures, and all ways of life.  The concept of hate and bigotry is so far from my consciousness that I often don’t even see it.  I’d like to think that most of us in today’s day and age are like me.  We just don’t care about the color of your skin, the name on your place of worship, the country in which you were born....

Happy 2015!

Happy New Year!   About a week ago, I  decided   that  I was going to shake things up in 2015.  Inspired by my sister-in-law, I was picking a word, my theme for the year.  I wasn’t sure what that "word" was going to be, and I was starting to stress because it was now December 31st and I hadn’t found that perfect word, the word that resonated with my goals and hopes and desires for 2015.   I still had plenty of time…  It was about 1:30 pm on New Years Eve—I still had almost half the day.  I’d adjust a few more of our wonderful patients, head home and sit down and find the word.   And one of the last people I adjusted had a bright and happy face.  Her  first  words included You look absolutely radiant!  (Her last visit was a few days after I’d made some drastic dietary changes for health reasons—I’m sure there will be more on Gluten Free Health journey.)   Then she started talking about her goals ...