
Showing posts from May, 2014

Upper Cross Syndrome and Your Posture

One of the most common posture related injuries for office workers—people who sit at a desk and operate a computer—is Upper Cross Syndrome.  UCS is one of the most common underlying causes of acute and chronic neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, mid back pain, and jaw pain.   Unfortunately, like cardiovascular disease, UCS is a “SILENT” disorder.   It takes years to develop and initially it causes NO SYMPTOMS.   The symptoms become apparent AFTER UCS has made significant changes to the biomechanics of the body—specifically the upper back, neck, shoulder, and jaw.   The good news is that while UCS is “SILENT” it does give us visual cues.  Most people who have UCS have certain visual cues.  Most will exhibit: Forward Head Posture (ear in front of the shoulder) Increased curve in the Upper Back Winged Shoulder blades Forward, rounded shoulders Unfortunately, saying “Sit up straight” isn't enough to contract this condition.  Being a...