Vision Boards

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”  Walt Disney

What are your dreams?  Your hopes?  Your desires?  We all have them—that secret dream that thought, that wish of what we want to do or who we want to become today, this year, in our lifetime… 

One of the many tools to help manifest these dreams is a Vision Board. 

Vision Boards have been used for years; however, they have become more popular in recent years due to media surrounding the movie The Secret and Oprah Winfrey’s show, website, and magazine.  In a nutshell, a Vision Board is a collage of images and words of things you want to attract into your life or become.  It can be things you would like to have, where you want to live, vacation, or who you want to become, do, or be. 

How does it work?  A vision bard works by activating the Laws of Attraction, which simply means that we attract anything we give our attention to.  The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law, which means that it ALWAYS works!  Just like gravity—if I hold up a set of keys and drop them, they will always fall to the ground!  (Thanks for the analogy Dr. Sid!) 

So what does this really mean?  It means that we each have complete control and responsibility for what we create in our life—our experiences, successes, relationships, and our health. 

The science behind it is that it activates a part of our brain called the Reticular Activating System (RAS).  This is the part of the brain which acts as a filter for all the information that our brain receives and determines which information is important. 

On Wednesday, January 18th I will be hosting a Vision Board Class at Care More.  Admission to this class is $5, to cover the cost of materials.  However if you bring a guest who is new to Care More, then your cost and theirs is free! 

Oh, and did I mention—in addition to supplies, I will be providing refreshments!

Class size is limited—so call today and reserve your space! 

As a closing thought, General Wesley Clark said “It doesn’t take anymore effort to dream a big dream than it does to dream small.” 

What are your BIG Dreams for 2012?

Dr. K


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