The American Health Care System is primarily a disease care system.  In 2009, $2.1 trillion dollars was spent in the United States on Medical Care.  This represents 16.5% of the Gross National Product.  Of these trillions of dollars, 95 cents of every dollar was spent to treat disease AFTER it had already occurred.  At least 75% of these dollars were spent on treating chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and obesity.  These can be preventable and even reversible!

What can you do to improve your overall health in 2012?

1.     Get Moving!  We all need to be moving—30 minutes per day! 
2.     Massage therapy—a great way to keep our bodies limber and reduce stress.  In today’s fast paced world it is necessity!  Ask about our Massage Club! 
3.     Improve your nutrition!  Eat more Fresh Fruits and Vegetables—7-9 servings per day!
4.     Drink Water!  At least 8 glasses of water per day!  
5.     Get adequate sleep.  This is when our body heals, repairs, and regenerates!  How much is ideas?  Adults require 7-8 hours, children 12!  Having problems falling asleep?  AB Calm (a calcium magnesium supplement available at Care More), herbs (such as Valerian Complex which is also available at the office), Journal, drink chamomile tea.  These are all things that can help naturally! 
6.     Reduce your emotional stress!  While we cannot control the world around us, we do control our response.  We also control our choices—exercise, journaling, setting realistic goals… These are all things that we can do to lower our stress. 
7.     Get adjusted regularly!  Why?  The nervous system is the master control system.  It controls every thought, every action; it regulates all of our parts and all of our systems.  When the nervous system is functioning at 100%, it allows our bodies to be in their best possible state!

Which of these goals are you committing to? 

Please join us for a SMART goal setting class on Wed Jan 11th at 6:45. 

Dr. K 


  1. Good Post Dr.K !!! Right on with what we should be doing to reduce our health risk. Preventative care is extremely important. Don't wait for a condition to occur but keep our self healthy by committing ourselves to follow the steps you outline.


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