12 in 12

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail…

As 2011 cam to an end, I found myself writing my resolutions, this time for 2012. Last year was “11 in 11;” this year will be “12 in 12.” I am doing things a little different this year. For example, I’m starting earlier. I started developing my goals before Christmas. Again, this year they’re not going to be resolutions, but goals!

So what are my goals? How safe am I going to play this? How honest am I willing to be?

Integrity First. Integrity remains a quality instilled in my upbringing and was further ingrained at the Academy and while in the Air Force. It’s who I am to the core, it’s how I live my life. As I write my goals, I’m going to be brutally honest—not only with myself but also with every one of you!

1.  Honor my creativity by utilizing my creativity at least once per month.
2.  Finish Painting the office by the end of 2012.
3.  Read a minimum of 1 book per month.
4.  Help more people reach their Health Potential by teaching at least 1 class outside of Care More per month. You can help me realize this! I’m available to speak at lunch & learn’s, community events, team meetings, senior centers, award banquets…
5.  Blog a minimum of 12 times in 2012.
6.  Grow the community action group to 20 members accomplishing 4 community service projects in 2012. 7.  Coupon regularly, and donate food monthly to charity.
8.  Train for and run a half marathon in 2012. a. Pick a race b. Train and remain injury free
9.  Loose xx pounds, and keep the weight off!
10. Organize the garage and basement by the end of the 2012.
11. Express Gratitude by write a minimum of 1 Thank You note per week (52 for the year!)
12. Say my positive affirmations on a daily basis!

Is this all I plan to do? No way! Look for an assessment in July! Halfway through the year I am going to take inventory and see how I’m doing! Assess, evaluate and regroup. My plan is that I’ll be on track, with the majority of these items checked off!

What are your goals for 2012? Please feel free to share them here!


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