5 Tips to Successful Resolutions

It’s that time of year—the holidays have come and gone, and people have set their sights on the future.  It’s that time when people start to focus on their New Years Resolutions.  Studies show that just 8% of people actually accomplish their New Year’s Resolution.  If you’re anything like me, you have a long list of failed New Years Resolutions that have fallen by the wayside.  Make 2020 the year that changes!  Here are the 5 tips to make this year different.  
  1. Set SMART Goals  
A SMART goal is based on an acronym:  Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistc, and Timeframe.  A goal made with these components in mind is a key component to being successful, however this isn’t the only thing.  It takes more than setting a SMART goal to be successful.  
2.  Be Committed 
Often people say they want to accomplish something, but when the rubber meets the road, they aren’t willing to do what it takes to make it happen.  If you aren’t committed to your goals, if you aren’t willing to give them 100% then you’re not going to accomplish them.  Make sure that the goal is something you really want to make happen.  

3.  Find Your Purpose 
What is your why?  Why was the goal even set.  This is huge!  If the goal ignites a passion in you.  If its something you want from deep down inside you are more likely to move mountains to make that happen.  Having a purpose, a reason for the goal that ignites a passion within you will help you be committed and realize your goal.  

4.  Create a Strategy
You need a plan, a strategy to make the goal happen.  It takes action to make a true and lasting change in any area of your life.  What changes do you need to make your goal a reality?  When temptations arise, how are you going to overcome them?  Have a plan, a strategy for success in place before Jan 1st! 

5.  Never Ever Ever Give Up
People give up way to soon-often when the next big shift is right around the corner, or when the going gets rough, or because all of the sudden it got hard, or a temptation came along.  Or maybe you’ve already slipped and your say well its too late now!  Or perhaps you made too many changes at once.  Set your goal and give it 100% of your being until you make it happen!  If you have a setback along the way, go back and re-evaluate your goals?  Were they SMART?  Are you Committed?  What’s your why?  Fine tune your strategy and start over.  

Here’s to 2020—the year we are part of the 8% who realize their goals!  

In Health,

Dr. Kristen


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