A New Season...

 Are you familiar with Hygee?  Am I the only one who has been living under a rock and totally missed this concept? 

Recently DoTerra introduced their new products for 2021.  I was lucky enough to be able to purchase one of the kits containing all of the new products...  One of the items in there was an oil blend called Hygee—one that my entire family loves!  This word was completely new to me, so I did what most people do these days and searched Google. 

And I was amazed.  Hygee is a Danish term or concept that cannot be translated into a single English word.  Instead it’s a word that encompasses a feeling of cozy contentment and wellbeing through enjoying the simple things in love.  

As we enter into a new season, this word resonated with me.  It sparked some joy and curiosity.  This weekend saw the first cool crisp nights, the first chili of the season, and my youngest went pull-up free, and my oldest spent the weekend cooking.  It’s also my Birthday week, celebrating as I enter my last year in my 40s.  This year has also been one of great change in my personal life.

September is winding down.  Fall is here.  And my life and home will be about Hygee: cozy and content.  Full of hugs, and laughter, smiles and fun, the spicy scents of fall—homemade apple sauce, pumpkin bread, and apple cider.  Checking off items on the fall bucket list.  Focusing on experiences not things.  Enjoying life thru the wonder of a child’s eyes.     

I’d love to hear how hygee is being embraced in your home.


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