Tech Neck


Tech neck is a new name for a condition that’s been around for years—neck pain that is caused by repetitive strain and injury to the muscles and other structures in the cervical spine. 

Do you experience neck pain?  Headaches?  Jaw Pain? Pain between your shoulder blades?  Numbness and tingling in your arms or hands?  Reduced mobility of the neck, upper back and shoulders?   Increased pain when tipping your head forward?   Generalized pain in the lower neck, shoulders and upper back?   Sharp, stabbing pain in a one localized spot?  Generalized pain in the lower neck, shoulders and upper back?    

If you answered yes to any of these you could be suffering from Tech Neck.

Constantly looking at our technology—such as computers, laptops, cell phones—can result in a repetitive stress/strain injury to the cervical spine and it’s supporting structures.  This condition is   commonly called tech neck or text neck. 

These technologies that are supposed to make our lives easier & better can be affecting our necks!

In the past year I have seen more and more (and younger) patients coming in complaining with tech neck symptoms.  Working and school from home has been great for traffic, but poor ergonomics and a raise in the use of technology has not been good for our necks.


Here are my Top 5 tips to prevent Tech Neck: 

1.  Raise your Phone (and monitor).  Don’t bring your eyes down to your screen, instead bring your screen up to your eyes!

2.  Take frequent breaks.  I encourage my patients to look up from their screens at least once per hour! 

3.  Get a chair that has a head rest!  A good supportive chair that has a head rest can help!  For our kiddos?  Actually putting their device on the floor or bed and lying on their somaches to look at it is a great way to combat Tech Neck.

4.  Stretch your neck and upper back muscles. 

5.  Get Adjusted!  Your chiropractor can not only help determine if Tech Neck is contributing to the symptoms, but they can also help correct the problem!



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