Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!

2020 is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day and it's falling in the middle of some unusual times--where states and countries are on lockdown, where travel is restricted, and an unprecedented number of people are working from home.  With this we are witnessing first hand how changing our behaviors can have a profound impact on the Earth in a very short amount of time.

This doesn't just hold true for the Earth, but for our bodies as well.   What we eat, drink, consume, put on our skin--these things all impact our bodies.  Drinking out of plastic can affect our hormones.  Eating poor quality, sugar filled food impact not just our weight but also HOW our bodies function. 

On this Earth Day, I encourage you to look at your habits.  Consider ways that you can change your lifestyle to protect Mother Earth.  Recycle, Compost, Use reusable containers and bags, reduce your carbon foot print...  We only have 1 Earth...

We also have only 1 body.  Again, look at your habits.  What do you feed yourself?  Is it nourishing your body or just feeding it?  What are you drinking?  What are you putting on your skin?  What are you cleaning your house with? 

Now is a great time to make a change, for the next week we are all a "captive" audience.  While we shelter in place we can make changes to our lifestyle with far less temptation. 

What one thing are you going to change to help our planet?

What one thing are you going to change to help make your body healthier?

In Health,

Dr Kristen 


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