Is Health Your Dream???

I can’t believe how quickly time is flying by!  I’m sitting here writing this and the month is almost half over already…  

This year we are doing something a little different.  Each month will have a theme, and the theme will be seen not just in the office and in our classes, but also in our Social Media platforms.  We are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest!  Are you following us????   

At Care More Chiropractic, our goal is to help members of our community reach their Health potential.  With that goal in mind, our theme for January is “Health doesn’t have to be a dream, make it your Reality!”  So my question is, what are you doing to make Health your Reality?  If you had to change just one thing, what would it be?  

We are expanding our classes this year!  In January we are teaching a Vision Board Class, an Essential Oil Experience, and  Strong & Lean in 17.  There will be different classes each month—be sure to reserve your spot with Joanna, as space is limited!  If there is a topic that interests you please let us know!  We may have a class on that…  

This winter we are doing a Coat and Blanket Drive.  We are collecting cold weather gear which is donated directly to Men & Women’s Shelters run through Marist School.  You’ve probably noticed that community out reach and service within our community are important to us at Care More Chiropractic.  The Care More Team all lives in the local area and we support local business and charities.  

Care More Chiropractic is the new location for La Leche League meetings in the Roswell/Alpharetta Area.  The meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 1030.  Many think these meetings are “just” for breast feeding moms, however that is not the case.  Its a group that helps all with everything from feeding to solids to behavior advice and on and on!  I’ve loved being a member of this community as I find my way in my new job of Mommy!  

Dr. Debbie and I are also both available to speak at local business and groups.  If you belong to a group that brings in speakers or if your company sponsors Lunch and Learns, we’d love to be a part of it!  We have given presentations from 20 minutes to an hour on a variety of topics to include stress management, stretching, and proper lifting techniques just to name a few.  It would be an honor to work with you.  

Thank you so much for being a part of Care More Chiropractic, we look forward to continuing to serve you in 2017!  Let’s make this year the best & healthiest yet!  

In Health, 

Dr. K


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