
Today Lexi turned 6 months!!!!


OMG where has the time gone...  It seems like just yesterday (last Mother's Day) I was announcing my pregnancy...  And here it is just over a year later and Lexi is turning 6 months! 

I want to take a minute and thank everyone of you for all of your support over the last year.  Your patience as I was moving a little slower at 9 months pregnant.  Your congratulations after her birth.  Her understanding as she cut her first (and second) tooth.  And most importantly the love you share every time you see her.  

I am so very blessed!  Not only do I have an amazing husband who is extremely supportive, BUT and amazing "chiropractic family."  You, my patients, have made this transition to "mommy" and now "working mommy" so much easier.  I count myself lucky that she gets to come to work with me! 

And, so you know, there is something in it for you!  Research shows that looking into a babies eyes causes a vagal reaction.  It affects the Sympathetic Nervous System by reducing the flight or fight response in our body.  So those super stressful days when you need an extra break.  Come in for your adjustment, look into Lexi's beautiful eyes and your body will take care of the rest!  

Happy 6 Months Lexi!  

In Health, 

Dr. K


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