Thanks Mom!

Time is just flying this year!  May is almost half over and I haven’t posted a single blog about Posture.  Since May is National Perfect Posture Month, I must rectify that!

Yesterday was Mother’s Day—I was blessed to be able to spend the day celebrating and honoring all of the favorite “mom’s” in my life with family and friends. 

What does Mother’s Day have to do with posture??? 

I don’t know about you, but growing up, my mom was always saying “Don’t slouch!”—When we were doing our homework, reading or watching T.V.  In fact, I would venture to say that all of us probably heard something about our posture from mom. 

Mom was absolutely correct!  Posture is vital to our health and wellness. 

However, times have changed!  (I know, a total shock, right?)  Technology (smart phones, iPads, and personal gaming devices) is wrecking havoc on our posture.  I see it all the time in young and old alike—people hunched over their “technology.”

The consequence???  This type of poor posture can result in neck & arm pain as well as early signs of Dowager’s Humps (a large bump at the base of the neck). 

How are you holding your smart phone?  Are you hunching down to it or bringing it up so your head is level when viewing the screen?

Mom was right!  So in celebration of Mother’s Day, lets all sit up a little straighter and use proper posture when we call/e-mail/text/or just play on our phones today!

Dr. K


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