How did I do?

In January I challenged myself to 11 in 11. I blogged about my goals and shared them here. I want to take a few minutes to see how I did.

My Goals were:

1. Reduce my “Carbon Footprint.”
2. Give back to the community.
3. Eat Healthy -Eat “Green” food (locally grown) -Eat More Veggies
4. Return to my ideal weight
5. Blog at least 4 times per month
6. Complete 1 project on my house per month
7. Take a photography class
8. Cross 2 things off my “Bucket List”
9. Start each day my praying/meditating/reading
10. Read 4 “Classic” books this year
11. Exercise 3 times per week

So how did I do?

1. I have reduced my carbon foot print! I’ve recycled, used re-usable bags! I’ve made a difference. I’m giving this one a thumbs up. I can do more, but I am off to a good start.

2. Give back to the community. Yes, I’ve given back, I’ve donated food, and again we’re hosting our Food Drive. Then I did something a little different, something I that wasn’t even on the radar this time last year. Myself, along with a few other small business women have started a Community Action Group. We meet monthly and we are going to make a difference! If you are interested in joining us, let me know and I will give you the details.

3. Eat Healthy. So, to be honest, I could be eating healthier, however I planted a garden! Now, I’m not known for my green thumb, but I did get some fresh veggies. Made some mistakes, learned a few tricks. Since the hard work (building the raised beds) is done, I expect bumper crops in 2012!

4. Return to my ideal weight. Well, no. I came close, but then life happened.

5. Blog 4 times a month. Again, no. But 2 or 3 is better than none!

6. Complete 1 project in my house per month. And yes, most months I did! I’m going to say yeah to this one.

7. Take a photography class. That didn’t happen. I did take some painting classes and I had fun!

8. Cross 2 things off my “Bucket List.” Yes I did!

9. Start each day praying/reading/meditating. Some days yes, some days no. But yeses outweighed the no’s.

10. Read 4 classic books this year. Hmmm. I’d have to go thru the list of books, but I did read a lot this year. I joined a book club, and read the entire Sword of Truth series. On average, I’d say I read at least 4 books a month! While I may not have read “4 classics,” I’d say mission accomplished!

11. Exercise 3 times a week. I did for a quite a while. But then again, No, not all 52 weeks. Sad face on that one. :( But each day is a new day!

I started writing this post dreading the outcome. But in evaluating, 8 out of 11—I did much better than I thought I did! I also saw some flaws in my goals. They weren’t that “SMART.” I didn’t have a well established plan. I didn’t have an “accountability partner…” Just sharing some thoughts as I start planning my 2012 goals.

What are your goals for 2012?

On Wednesday evenings in January Care More is offering personal growth classes. These classes include 17 Day Diet and SMART Goal setting, as well as making a Vision Board. Ask about our schedule and reserve your seat today! Space is limited and they are filling up fast!

Anyone up for joining me in “12 in 12?”

Dr. K


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