To Give, To Love, To Serve

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today is the day we remember a great man, who used his words and actions to benefit others. Dr. King is a man who worked to change our country, our thoughts, and our beliefs. He was a man who gave out of his own heart, a man who had a dream to make the world a better place.

For some, today is a holiday, a day off work. Some will reflect on Dr. King’s life and messages. Some will use it as a Day of Service.

For me, today is another day where I can make a difference in the world. One of my “Goals” for 2011 is to do something every day to make a difference. I can do this with a smile, a letter, a note, giving, donating time, service, dollars…

Well, one of the ways I intend to make a difference is by giving year round to the local community. For the past 20 years Care More Chiropractic has held a month long food drive for the Atlanta Food Bank. Thanksgiving to Christmas. In fact one year, through the generosity of our Care More family, we were the Third biggest donator in Atlanta!

In 2011 I want to do something different and even closer to home! This year I am participating in a year long food drive in support of the North Fulton Charity.

This is my plan.

Many of you know I’ve started clipping coupons. I love the challenge and thrill of saving money. With a little bit of work and planning I’m saving about 40-80% off my grocery bill! I don’t know about you but I like saving money!

One of the couponing blogs tells how, by utilizing sales, BOGO’s and coupons, you can get the most for $3 at a local grocery store. The investment of $3 can purchase $25-30 worth of non-perishables.

I’m still working on the details, but hopefully I will be able to forward the blog post here.

Clipping a few coupons and donating $3 a week to North Fulton Charities is a great way to help those in need in our community. For less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks, I can help feed a family right here in Roswell!

If you would like to join me in supporting North Fulton Charities, I will have a donation box at Care More. Bring by your donations and as the box fills I will deliver it to North Fulton Charities.

To give, to love, to serve. I can think of no other way I’d like to live my life.


Dr. k


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